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Writer's picturePagan Harrison-Brown

First day of Spring, was the perfect day to appreciate the staff at The Bathurst Masonic Centre

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Marking the first day of spring, the Bathurst Masonic Centre got together for a community lunch to celebrate and appreciate their staff members for all the hard work they have put in during COVID.

Due to recent events aged care facilities have faced significant challenges which both have put pressure not only on families but on staff members.

The Masonic Centre has had to separate residents from their families, to keep them safe from COVID, reduce activities, schedule meetings and video calls but lucky enough have been able to allow scheduled window visits.

Not only is the Bathurst Masonic Centre fitted with good staff, but they also are a close-knit team and work well together, they are family.

General manager Cheryl Barnes and care manager Colleen Barnes, both note that there are challenges and the most challenging part about the current circumstances is having to decline face to face visits for families. Their primary concern is to keep all residents healthy and safe, but it is hard to see the distance COVID has caused for many families, which does affect their staff.

The safety and mental well-being of the staff and clients within the Bathurst Masonic Centre are essential. Making sure the staff are supported and appreciated is needed to keep the team healthy and residents safe.

Corrie Joesy (102) and Eunice Pellow (106), are the eldest residents currently at The Bathurst Masonic Centre and are still living their best life. What they are doing, is something the Bathurst Community would love to hear about.

Published by Bathurst City Life

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